Tuesday, September 24, 2013

All this . . . . and under 1,300 calories!

Ok so here is my day - ALL this for just under 1,300 calories! This is easy to do - it just takes a little getting used to looking at things. I'll add a KEY (Key #6 at the bottom of this):

Today's meals are:

Breakfast - Quiche (Yum!) which included eggs, a dash of milk, salt, pepper, spinach, cheese, and low cal, low fat, turkey sausage (it was really yummy I promise!) (total calories about 300)

Lunch - Tamale Pie (from last nights dinner - Low cal and yum!) and a protein shake  (Total calories around 375 for both)

Dinner - we are having Chicken quesadilla but I'll be home late so I'll eat at the event I'm going to. They always serve Dominos pizza - So, I'll have 1 slice of pizza and my 2nd protein drink! (This is just under 400 calories total :-)

Snack - I have a handful of Kashi Hummus chips left - VERY low calorie. And if I'm still hungry for any reason, I'll have a pack of cheese crackers - IF I were to eat both of these snacks thru out the day, I'd still only consume about 215 for both.

If anyone added all those up, it comes to 1,290 calories. My lose it log actually says 1,267 total (with all the above in it). So - you don't need to be hungry. Enjoy, remember to work at least 2 protein drinks in - either in a green smoothie (I prefer to have these as often as possible for the nutritional value of the greens) or just shake it, blend it with ice & water, or something.  I ALWAYS make my protein drinks with water - I don't want/need the extra calories from milk. Whey protein is already a milk derivative so I don't need more milk - it's creamy enough in water. =)

Ok - so KEY #6:

To make this work, something has go to change.  If you watch the infomercials, followed fad diets, tried South Beach, Atkins, etc. You'll find SOMETHING always has to change. You cut the carbs or you cut the fats, or you cut the sugars. Believe me, I'm 22 inches smaller in the last 46 days so believe me if you want or don't; BUT I'm telling you what I found to be true and what works. The one thing I've changed is calories by 100%.  Then I have changed carbs, sugars, and fat by lesser percentages.  Using Loseit.com will tell you how many calories you should maintain AT MAX daily in order to lose 1/2 - 2 lbs per week. Once you're at your goal weight, you'll also see how many calories you should consume daily for the rest of your life.  If you make that one change and commit to keeping that calorie count, something WILL change! For me it's OVER 70# so far and OVER 22inches!  I forgot to get a full photo and do measurements when I started this journey June 9th. I had my weight and that is it. On Aug. 8, 2013 is when I took a full photo and did my measurements. Do you want to see yourself losing 22 inches in 46 days? You can and I hope you do (If you have that many to lose).

So, something has got to change - change your caloric intake to match what your loseit diagnostic is. Then, minimize your carbs (especially bad carbs) and sugars (keep this one the lowest - make this your 2nd highest percentage of change and make carbs and fat your 3rd and 4th highest percentage of change). For example, if you commit to changing your calories by 100% (give or take the OCCASIONAL overage days) - you make sure you keep it at or under (under is how I roll!) what your allotted for the day, then you make sure you avoid as much sugar as possible - use SINGLE digits as your guide - does this food have single digits of sugars? If so, OK! If not - slow down - is it 10g or 11g of sugar - well ok does it have 30g - Run away from this!
Ok for carbs - try to keep it as low as you can but calories first worry, sugar 2nd - are these higher carbs from veggies? Green light go if so. If not, is this the only real carb you're having for the day? If so - ok, go. BUT remember almost everything you eat has carbs.
Then for fats - just try to avoid bad fats as much as possible. Remember the balance rule. If you have a bad fat every now and then - you'll be doing fine just don't make it often.

Ok - I wish all well and thank you for your interest in how we're doing. I hope and pray you'll be successful yourself!

I'm here if you have questions, thoughts, inputs, etc. I'll post a video on how I make my smoothies ASAP.

Blessings, MommaKat <3

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